Monday, March 23, 2009

Quick Post about Ligh bulbs...

If you were to turn on a compact flocecent light, an incondescent light, and use my entertainment center normally for one year, you would use about 1,587 kWhs of electricity.  If you were to break down which one used the most... you would get the pie chart to the left. 

You would spend $80 more per year to use the incondescent light.  And you would produce at least 696 more lbs of CO2 per year with the incondescent light.

So, next time you think of how you can cut down on your power bill, just remember, compact florescent light my be annoying in the way they flicker when you first turn them on, but each one could save you up to $80 a year... now how many light do you have in your house?

that's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. I have 13 light bulbs. All of them are CFLs. They are on for an average of 4 hours a day all together (13 X 4 average hours each day). This uses 1,987 kWh, costs me $210, and produces 1,812 lbs of CO2. An incandescent light would use about 2839 kWhs, cost me $300 a year, and produce 5,289 lbs of CO2 per year.
